Hi guys.Hope you enjoyed my previous topic about internet opportunities.I am back again to explain to you much about bitcoin.I know most of you do not know about it but for those who have heard about it but you have never known on how to go about it,today you are on the right place because i am going to explain it in detail.I know that i left some of you in suspense when  i talked about bitcoin faucet on my previous topic.
I hope that you will start acquiring bitcoins to your bitcoin E-wallet after going through this topic.Let me start by explaining to you much about bitcoin

 Bitcoin is a digital currency (also called crypto-currency) that is not backed by any country's central bank or government. Bitcoins can be traded for goods or services with vendors who accept Bitcoins as payment.The concept of Bitcoins was developed by Satoshi Nakamoto, who resides in total anonymity. He is said to be from Japan but his mail ID was from Germany, plus the bitcoin software was not available in Japanese. He developed the system and the Bitcoin software (that is used to run the system) in 2009 but disappeared into thin air in 2010.With bitcoin,you can do anonymous currency transaction and no one will come to know about the payment or other information related to the payment including who sent it or who received it.For you to start earning bitcoins,you must open an E-wallet account .On your E-wallet account,you will have a bitcoin address which will serve the same purpose as your account number thus you will use it to acquire bitcoins online.You can open an E-wallet account for bitcoin using any of the following:
  • XAPO

After you have opened your bitcoin E-wallet from any of the above,you can start acquiring your Bitcoins using your bitcoin address from the following ways:

    • Bitcoin mining
    • Earn bitcoin by completing task on website
    • Earn Bitcoin through trading
    • Earn bitcoin as a regular income
    • Earn bitcoin from gambling
    • Earn bitcoin from interest payment
    • Earn bitcoin by accepting them as a means of payment
    • Earn bitcoin by getting tipped
     Bitcoin mining is the process by which new Bitcoins are generated. When you perfom mining, your computer adds new Bitcoin transactions to the block chain (a public ledger where all Bitcoin transactions are stored) and searches for new blocks. A block is a file that has the most recent Bitcoin transactions recorded in it. When your computer discovers a new block, you receive a certain number of Bitcoins. Since bitcoin mining has become a hardware intense and therefore expensive process, most individual miners join a so called mining pool.You can start mining your bitcoin using the following mining pool:
      • Bitminter
      • Slush
      • BTC Guild
      • Eligius
      • Hashflare
      • Ethereum
      • BitGold
      2.Earn bitcoin by completing task on website 
       Most websites will offer you to earn free bitcoins for visiting their website and viewing it for a given period of time.In some of them,you earn bitcoin after clicking and viewing a certain advertisement for a given period of time.Others sites enables you to earn bitcoin by watching videos and completing a certain captcha.You can start earning bitcoin by completing tasks from the following sites:
      •  BTC CLICKS
      • Coin HD
      • Bitcoin faucets
      •  Coinworker
      • Bitvisitor
      • Bitfortip
      3.Earn bitcoin through trading
      Through trading,one can earn bitcoin either through arbitrage or through speculation.Through arbitrage,one sees an opportunity of buying asset at a lower price from one region and selling it at a higher price to another region while through speculation,one buys bitcoins when their price are lower and sells them in future after their price has increased in order to make profit.You can start earning bitcoins through trading from the following sites:
      •  Bitcoin stackexchange
      • Btc
      • Bitfinex
      4.Earn bitcoin as a regular income      
      Since many organization do not pay most of their workers their income in form of bitcoin,you can become self employed  at home by working online as a freelancer and still get paid in form of bitcoin.You can try the following sites to start earning bitcoin after you have offered your service:
      • BitGigs
      • Coinality
      • XBTfreelancer
      • Jobs 4 bitcoins on reddit
      5.Earn Bitcoin from Gambling 
       Gambling involves risking something of value on an uncertain event in hopes of winning something of greater value.You can start gambling in order to earn bitcoin using the following sites
      • Cloudbet sports
      • Betcoin sports
      • Vegascasino sports 
      • Nitrogen sports
      • Directbet sports
      6.Earn bitcoin from interest payment 
       You can earn interest from your bitcoin through the following
      • Lend directly to someone you know. This allows you to assess personally, whether you regard the borrower as trustworthy. Then the two of you only need to agree on the terms like duration and interest rate and off you go. The drawback is, however, that you probably will not have too many acquaintances who match your amount, duration and interest rate requirements. But it's a nice way to earn Bitcoins.
      • Peer to peer Bitcoin lending websites with listings from various borrowers are another option. Bitbond is such a peer-to-peer lending site. Borrowers publish funding requests and you can contribute to their loan. You can fund small portions of many loans and thereby diversify default risk. Bitcoin loans usually work the same way as fiat currency loans. The borrower gets a certain amount of money over a specified time and repays the money with interest. There are two things you need to be aware of when you lend Bitcoins. The site needs to be trustworthy and the borrower needs to be trustworthy. When the site assesses the creditworthiness of their applicants the information given about borrowers can be more credible. 
      •  A Bitcoin banking like model. Here you place your Bitcoins as a deposit with a site that pays you a fixed interest rate on these deposits. As everything here, this method has advantages and disadvantages. The good thing is, that you don't need to diversify your Bitcoins over many borrowers. You just place your Bitcoins with your Bitcoin bank and that's it. You earn Bitcoins as a steady stream of interest income. However, be very careful. In the previous case of peer to peer lending you diversify your lending activity over many borrowers. In the banking model you trust one single borrower which is the bank. If they don't do a good job in managing your Bitcoins, everything can be lost at once. That's because the bank takes you deposits and invests them in assets, the most important assets usually being loans. If they do a good job you are fine because you simply collect the interest payment. If they don't do a good job you take the hit. An there is no deposit insurance in the Bitcoin world, too.
      Use the following sites to earn interest from your bitcoin:
      • Bitbond
      • Bitfinex
      • Bitbays
      • haobtc
      • magnr
      • wagecan
      • popbtc
      • halleybtc
      7. Earn bitcoin by accepting them as a means of payment
       For online business owner,you can connect your business with your E-wallet account such as coinbase in order to receive payments in form of bitcoins for the service and products you offer online