Hashes in Bitcoin Mining

Hashes are usually large numbers written as hexadecimal.Different cryptocurrency will use different hashes in order for their mining to take place.These cryptocurrency are mined in terms of hash rate which is defined as the speed at which a computer is completing an operation in the respective cryptocurrency code.Therefore,the higher the hashrate ,the higher the mining process.Some of the cryptocurrency which are created through the process of mining through hashing powers are bitcoin,etherium,litecoin,zcash and dashcoin.The hashes considered in cryptocurrency mining are as follows;

This refers to as one hashes per second thus one hashes will be generated per second during the mining process

This refers to as 1000hashes generated per second during the mining process

This refers to as one million hashes generated per second during the mining process

This refers to as 1billion hashes generated per second during the mining process


This refers to as 1trillion hashes generated per second during the mining process


This refers to as 1000trillion hashes generated per second during the mining process.


 In most mining sites,i know you have been coming across these hashes when you want to buy contracts from those mining firms.
Most of the time,especially when it comes to bitcoin mining,you might get that they offer KH/S and GH/S in which KH/S will be charged at lower price as compared to GH/S.The main reason for this is that GH/S contract produces more hashes per second as compared to KH/S thus GH/S mining will produce more bitcoin as compared to KH/S mining.From today,i hope that you will be able to convert those hashes easily in the site where you normally mine your bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

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