1.Buying cryptocurrencies on bittrex
Bittrex is a us based exchange that enables individual to buy and sell cryptocurrencies in terms of bitcoin,etherium and USDT.For one to buy other cryptocurrencies in terms of bitcoin,one must follow the following procedures.-Go to google search engine and you search the word bittrex.
-login into your account
-click on the bitcoin market where various link of various digital coin will be displayed.
-click the cryptocurrency that you want to buy i.e dogecoin.
-on the buy dogecoin section,enter the amount of dogecoin you want to buy
-click on the price section where three categories will be displayed,last price,bid price and ask price
-click on bid price for instant buy
-click again on buy dogecoin where your instant order will be placed
2.selling cryptocurrencies on bittrex
The following steps should be considered while selling cryptocurrencies on bittrex-Go to google search engine and you search the word bittrex
-login into your account
-click on the bitcoin market where various links of digital currencies will be displayed.
-click the cryptocurrency that you want to sell.
-on the sell dogecoin section,enter the amount of dogecoin that you want to sell
-click on the price section where 3 categories will be displayed,last price,bid price and ask price.
-click on ask price for instant sell
-click again on sell dogecoin where your instant order will be displayed
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