Alternative of Adsense Ads Networks to monetize your websites

It has been long time.Last time i talked about ways of monetizing your website.I hope most of you by now have started monetizing your website using various ways i explained to you.Today i am back again .This time round i am going to help you know various ads networks that you can use to monetize your website with in case your website is being denied by Adsense for approval.I know
adsense is considered the best in terms of payment and quality of its advertisement.I am not trying to be against adsense. What i am trying to do is to help you.I know adsense has got very strict terms and conditions  as compared to others ads networks.That is why they deny most website owners chance to take part in their monetization program because most of them fail to meet those terms and conditions.I know most of you are not aware that there are so many ads network that you can apply for in case your website is not approved by adsense. You have the right to earn from your own content.You should know as many ads network as possible.Even if your website is being approved by adsense,you should try as much as possible to make sure that you know more about other ads network.Just like the way many people say that in life for you to succeed you should have more that one alternative so that in case one fails you have opportunity to go for the second one.Never put all your eggs in one basket.I am trying to tell you this because of adsense.When all your websites are being linked by adsense then all of a sudden adsense suspends your account,you will end up losing all your earnings.This is not the case as in other ads networks.That is why i would urge you to try and apply for any of the following ads networks. In case any of your website gets approved,make sure to diversify on your linking just like the way most investors do by diversifying on their investments.You can try the following ads network; 

         1. Adsterra Network

Adsterra network is both for publishers and advertisers.It offers a variety of ad format for both websites and mobile such as popunders,pushup,interstitial,display banners,direct links and sliders.The model of earning is through CPM,CPC and CPA.Payment is made weekly upon reaching their minimum withdrawal.For one to qualify for this program,one is supposed to have a minimum traffic of 300,000.Join adsterra Network and you watch your online income grows.

             2 .  Infolinks   

 Infolink is a form of  In-text advertising  where specific keywords within the text of a web-page are matched with advertising and/or related information units.Infolinks ads network places hyperlinks directly into the text of the webpage.Infolinks commonly works on a cost per click (CPC) model,CPM,CPA,CPV and CPI.The ads unit offered by Infolink include Infold[overlay ads],Intext[Text link ads],Intag[Tag cloud ads],Inscreen[smart interstitial ads] and Inframe[banner ads in margins and frames].There is no minimum requirement and no setup fees requirement thus it is open to both advertisers and publishers.Start monetizing your website with infolinks.                 

            3 . serves ads from bing, previously used to be yahoo.This ad network supports standard IAB sizes and has access to high quality ads from all major supports display units,desktops interstitial,In-content native and mobile docked ads.The model of earning include CPM,CPC and CPA.Since there is no minimum requirement,all publishers and advertisers are invited to participate and start generating revenue from their websites.

                 4 .  Bidvertiser

Bidvertisers offers advertising,publishing and affiliate program.As compared to others ads networks,where it takes even more that one day for your site to be approved,for bidvertiser,no approval.All that you have to do is to place their code on the space of your site where you want the ads to appear and soon afterwards,the ads will start appearing on your site.It has two model of earning,that is;CPM and CPC.Ad format include banners,Skyscrappers,rectangles,popups and mobile,Join other publishers and advertisers and you start making money online with your website.

               5 . Clicksor

All publishers and advertisers from all over the world can take part in monetization of their website using clicksor since there is no minimum requirement for traffic.The ad unit include regular banners ads,in-text ads,rich media,interstitials and pop-unders.The model of earning include CPM,CPC,CPV and CPI.For bloggers,i encourage you to use clicksor to increase your revenue online.

                6. Blogads         

Blogads is an ad network that specifically cater for bloggers.With blogads one can manage multiple sites in one account.There is no minimum requirement traffic for one's site to be approved.The most commonly ad unit is banner.The model of earning is CPC and CPA.I encourage most bloggers to try on monetizing their site using blogads.

                     7 . Chitika    

Chitika was founded in the year 2003.It means snap on the fingers.Just like in adsense, chitika also pays you when the displayed ads on your site is being clicked by your visitors when they visit your site.There is no minimum requirement for traffic in order for your site to be approved thus all publishers and advertisers are welcomed to participate on the monetization program.The model of earning is CPC.Join chitika and you watch your revenue grows.

                      8 . Adcash  

Adcash does not require any minimum traffic for your site to be approved.It enables publishers and advertisers to be able to increase their revenue by providing them with high quality ads from leading brand and exclusive pricing models.The ad unit include site under,footer,interstitial,slide-in and background.The model of earning include CPM,CPC and CPA.

                   9.Vibrant Media   

Vibrant-media requires no minimum traffic for the approval of your site thus it is open to both publishers and advertisers.The ad units in vibrant media include in-image,light-box,storyboard,in-text,mosaic and brand canvas.CPM and CPC are the model of earning. 

I would like to encourage you to look for more adsense alternative which you can use to monetize on your site.If you feel that there are more that need to be added,then you can leave your comment and will make sure to include them on my next post.