Ways of making money on your website

I am always happy to provide you with new information.Hope most of you by now have got a website after learning how to create it without coding skill.There are so many topics you can come up with and you start educating people just like the way i normally do.I know most of you are asking yourself so many questions like what benefit am i going to get after educating other people?How am i going to earn by providing people with free information from the website i will have created?
You should not worry about that.Today i am going to explain to you in details on how you can earn from your website.I know that most of you will be paying hosting fee for your website.You have right to get return from that fee that you will have paid to the host of your website,right?
Owning a website is just like owning a business.You must make profit with your website just like the way you make profit with your business.Never depend on one source of income with your website.In order for you to make your website to continue existing without you losing your domain name to your host because of lack of finance to pay hosting fees,you can create a source of income for your website using the following ways;
                               1.  Ads Networks
This  is a company that connects advertisers to web sites that want to host advertisements. The key function of an Ad network is aggregation of ad space supply from publishers and matching it with advertiser demand.Through ads network,one can earn through programs like CPC,CPM and CPA.The most commonly used ads network for monetization program by many website owners is adsense. I encourage most of you to use it for monetizing your website.
                        2.  Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's ownmarketing efforts.The affiliates will earn their reward in form of comission.There are so many affiliate marketing firms but you can try ebay partner network
                     3.  Email markerting

Email marketing is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using email[electronic mail].The secret of doing email marketing is by offering signup program to the visitors of your site and by retaining the mailing list after they have commented on your site.The more mailing list you have,the more your website business is going to grow thus the more revenue you are going to generate from your website.I will urge you never to send too much email to your visitors as your site may look as if it is a spam thus reducing the number of your visitors to your site.
                  4.   Advertising Space
Ad space is the area of a website or Web page dedicated to online advertisement. This space is critical for organizations and websites driven by advertising revenue. Ad space pricing is generally determined according to ad format, placement and website traffic.Before providing an ad space,i will encourage you to create traffic for your website first because the more traffic your website has the more your site will become approachable by advertising sites
                    5.  Pop-Ups/lightboxes

 pop-up is a graphical user interface ( GUI ) display area, usually a small window, that suddenly appears ("pops up") in the foreground of the visual interface for advertisement purpose.There are so many pop-up ads that you can use to maximize revenue of your website but will urge you to try with POPADS

                   6.  Advertising Widgets

A widget is a small application with limited functionality that can be installed and executed within a web page by an end user. A widget has the role of a transient orauxiliary application, meaning that it just occupies a portion of a webpage and does something useful with information fetched from other websites and displayed in place. Website owners can use widgets to make money by inserting a certain content of web page that they want to advertise to their user to the widget.You can use wordpress plugin.
                   7.  In-Text Ads

In-text advertising is a form of contextual  advertising where specific keywords within the text of a web-page are matched with advertising and/or related information units.In-text advertising places hyperlinks directly into the text of the webpage.In text advertising commonly works on a cost per click (CPC) model, which means that each time a website visitor clicks on an In-text ad, the websites owner gets paid by the advertiser.You can try infolink.
                  8. Create And Sell Your Own Products

You have the right to do what you want on your own site.If you have skills in certain professional or you have a manufacturing firm then why not market it on your own site so that you can maximize on the revenue of your own website if  you make sale on your product.
                   9. Text-Link Ads

one should have their site in the Text-Link ads marketplace, so that people shopping there will see their blog and buy their links. If you’re not there, those happy link shoppers will buy links on another site.
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